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COMM 3500:
Rhetoric of

COMM 1020:
Introduction to Public Speaking

COMM 2010: Communication

Spring 2018

Spring 2017

Summer 2017

Spring 2016

Spring 2015

The instructor showed interest and enthusiasm for teaching

The instructor demonstrated a firm grasp of course content

The instructor presented course material in an organized way

The syllabus was organized and objectives clearly stated

The course adhered to the stated objectives

The instructor’s teaching and presentation skills were effective

I felt free to ask questions and make comments

The instructor was willing to help me outside of class

Activities provided opportunity for mastery of course content

Instructor provided information about my progress in the course

The instructor was concerned with whether the students learned the material

The instructor stimulated independent thinking

The course increased my knowledge, skills, and/or understanding of the subject

This course was intellectually








































































Compared with other college instructors I have had, I would rate this instructor’s effectiveness (**)






Yannick was probably the best professor I've had so far. He actually cared about the success of everyone in the classroom. I could see this through how important everyone's attendance was to him and the quality of feedback he gave on all of our projects. He also did a really great job at making everyone feel important. One of the biggest things that stood out to me was that he knew the names of every single person in the class and he knew a few things about each person as well. This was really awesome and I felt valued as a person instead of just being another student. Yannick went far beyond the minimum requirements and I can tell that he put a lot of time into this course. I also really enjoyed going to class because he was a really good teacher. His presentations were well organized and he was great at adding humor to the topics and adding variety to the content through interactive activities.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

Yannick is by far the best professor I have had here at BG. He checks up with students who have certain public speaking anxieties to make sure they are doing OK. He makes everyone feel more comfortable about public speaking by having many activities to practice speaking in a fun way. The class is never boring and always consists of class participation. My public speaking has improved so much more than I thought it could be taking this intro to public speaking course. A++++++ Professor!

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

Coming into college I was undecided about my major but after taking COMM 1020 I am leaning towards Communications for my major because of this course and the instructor. I enjoyed going to class and becoming a better public speaker.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

I was not looking forward to this class at all, but Yannick really changed my opinion on it. All of his activities helped me become a better public speaker. I found all of the examples that he gave to be quite helpful and entertaining. He made everyone in the class feel comfortable to be themselves as well.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

This course is important for all majors because it is so prevalent in the career world but it is also a good skill to have in general. Yannick definitely needs to keep teaching this course because he has been the most fun, interesting, and joyous instructor I have had in a long time.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

I really enjoyed this course, especially taking it with Yannick as the instructor. I normally fear public speaking but this class and Yannick helped me feel comfortable. We were forced to go out of our comfort zone many times, which was definitely the most helpful in becoming comfortable with speaking in front of a group of people. Overall, I really enjoyed this class and Yannick was a great instructor.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

Yannick is probably one of my favorite professor's I've had thus far in my BGSU career, he's funny, effective, and willing to help whenever he can!

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2016)

Grades had to be earned, but were not impossible to achieve. Yannick is by far one of the best professors I have had a BG. Very caring, passionate about teaching, and always willing to help no matter what. I would recommend him to anyone who has to take this class. It was not only fun, but I could see myself grow as a speaker. Yannick is truly an amazing professor.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

Having Yannick as my first COMM professor has been a wonderful experience. He's made the class extremely enjoyable and has made me proud of my decision to become a Communications major.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

I really enjoyed this course. The speeches were all very stimulating and the course activities Yannick offered made it so the classroom became very close and the students became a family. Yannick was a phenomenal instructor. He shows a true passion for communications and public speaking. I have never had an instructor as good as he was. He was always extremely well prepared and showed a thorough knowledge of communications.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

Yannick Kluch is an outstanding instructor. He always gives an abundant amount of feedback on each and every presentation we complete. He had all of us students become familiar with each other through various activities in order to make public speaking in the classroom more comfortable. He was available to help any one of us any time we needed it. He went out of his way to make sure we had the tools to be successful inside and outside of his class. He truly has a passion for speaking and teaching. When scheduling my classes for the semester I thought that this class was going to be the most stressful, but it ended up being a class I always looked forward going to and the one I have learned the most in. He is, hands down, the best instructor/teacher I have ever had.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

Yannick was a great teacher. He is probably the best teacher I have had in high school and college combined. He made a stressful class like public speaking and made it interesting and fun. I also learned a lot in his class. I feel like I have the skills to publicly speak and I've already been better at giving presentations in other classes.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

I really enjoyed the course and the instructor. The course itself was very interesting and informative and my instructor really made the material come alive. I have improved by leaps and bounds due to this instructor.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

Yannick is amazing! He's a great teacher & makes this class enjoyable. He's very into what he's teaching and really makes this class fair and interesting. He's super relatable and really takes pride in what he's teaching. He's the absolute best!

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Spring 2015)

I very much enjoyed the course and I think it had a lot to do with the instructor. He really is incredible and it was obvious that he is very well respected among all the students. Definitely one of the more challenging professors, but one of the best.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

Loved being a student in Professor Kluch's class! My favorite professor this semester!

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

One of the best teachers I've ever had!

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

All the speech assignments had a good time frame and challenged us to apply new techniques and proved to be very effective for us all as a class.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

During this class I had declared an Exercise Science major after getting about half way into class I switched. Yannick really pulled me out of my skin and helped me realize what I truly wanted to do for a major.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

I wasn't expecting to have such a close knit class and this was because of Yannick. From the first day, he made us feel very comfortable in the classroom.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

Worked hard to teach us about public speaking and was very passionate!

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

The speeches were somewhat difficult but Yannick was very good at thoroughly explaining it all and making sure everyone was on track.

Student in COMM 1020: Introduction to Public Speaking (Fall 2015)

Yannick is a unique person and a talented instructor. He manages the line between commanding respect from students while still being incredibly friendly extraordinarily well. I'm a non-traditional student with previous college experience--I can't name the majority of professors I've had in the past. Yannick will be one I remember. There's no doubt in my mind he'll go on to have an incredibly successful career in academia.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

This was a great course to take and I really enjoyed it. Yannick has been one of the best professors I've had during my time here at BG. For an 8 am class, he knows how to make lectures interesting and relate them to current news, trends and ideas. He always has some sort of class activity for us to do so we get to actually apply the theory we learn in class to our own lives. Other classes I just take down notes and read them later, but this class is different. He is also allows us to express ourselves and our thoughts in class by opening up the floor for discussion, asking students to give examples from their lives, etc. Overall, this was a very fun class with an outstanding professor. If Yannick teaches any future Communication classes I have to take, I will be signing up for his class no doubt.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

Yannick made clear what he expected from students in terms of major assignments. He distributed detailed rubrics as well as examples of work submitted in previous classes to make sure we were on the right track. Incredibly effective.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

Yannick was great. He cares about student's success and is always prepared for class and is on time. He is very energetic and enthusiastic which I needed in an 8 am class. He made coming to class enjoyable and fun. He got the conversations flowing and our minds going. He had a lot of activities planned to help explain content. I loved this class and would take it again and again if I could.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

Yannick was great. It was a great pleasure to be in his class. He's one of the most effective instructors I've had so far.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

This has been one of my favorite courses thus far. The instructor provided activities that made the course interactive.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

He was very lively in his classroom teaching. Some teachers can be boring, he was energetic and made class very interactive. I enjoyed this class and Yannick is one of the best professors I have had all through college

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

I didn't have high expectations for Comm 2010, but any expectations I did have were far exceeded. The course covered a lot of material, and Yannick made the syllabus systematic to cover all the theories in this course. More-so, he taught us how to think about theory as opposed to just rogue memorization.

Student in COMM 2010: Communication Theory (Spring 2017)

This page provides a summary of student evaluations I have received for classes I have taught in the past. To assess all undergraduate courses offered by the Department of Communication and all graduate courses offered by the School of Media and Communication at Bowling Green State University (BGSU), a standardized teaching evaluation instrument comprised of both close-ended and open-ended questions are anonymously completed online by students in the penultimate or final week of the term. The evaluation tool is comprised of 15 close-ended questions, followed by four open-ended questions. Each close-ended question uses a 5-point Likert scale to where 1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = neutral, 4 = disagree and 5 = strongly disagree (unless otherwise indicated).

Qualitative Data | Student Comments on Course Evaluation Forms































































































Quantitative Data | Course Evaluation Scores  (*)


(*) Listed in this table are the mean scores for each question
(**) Response options: 1 = Top 10%, 2 = Among top 30%, 3 = About average, 4 = Lowest 30%, 5 = Among the lowest 10%

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